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Stakeholder Engagement

Basic approach

The IDEC Group places great value on dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders in order to conduct business in accordance with the changing needs of society.
Through communication activities such as dissemination of information and direct dialogue, we aim to deepen understanding of the IDEC Group among our stakeholders and improve corporate value by promoting sustainability while reflecting various opinions and issues in management.

Stakeholders Means of engagement Major activities Outcomes
Employees- Engagement survey
- Mental healthcare survey
- Communication of information from management
- Various types of training
- Human resource development programs
- Internal reporting system, in-house consultation liaison
- Labor-management council
- Company newsletter and intranet
- Employee awards program

- Health checkups and mental healthcare survey, establishment of in-house corporate clinic in head office
- Surveys of career aspirations and understanding of duties through self-reporting
- Discussion forums and briefings on the new personnel system
- Implementation of position-based training, LGBTQ+ training, human rights and compliance training, etc.
- Implementation of senior staff training to promote empowerment of women, career seminars for female employees
- Provision of opportunities to develop capabilities through training and seminars
- Training program for next-generation executive candidates
- Upgraded dissemination of information through company newsletter and intranet

- Establishment of a pleasant workplace environment and educational programs that enable diverse personnel to demonstrate and improve their capabilities
Customers - Customer support center
- Sales activities and webinars
- Website and social media
- Exhibitions
- Response to customer inquiries
- Feedback within the company regarding opinions and requests relating to products and services
- Dissemination of information through the website and social media
- Exhibiting at both real-world and online exhibitions, etc.
- Provision of products and solutions that reduce environmental impact, that are easy for everyone to use and that achieve safety, ANSHIN, and well-being
- Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
- Financial results briefings
- Individual interviews with investors
- Small meetings
- Briefings for private investors
- Integrated Report (IDEC Report), Shareholder Newsletter, Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, etc.
- Website
- Prompt disclosure and enhanced content of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders reference materials
- Upgrading of information through revision of financial results briefing materials
- Holding of financial results briefings and video distribution (4 times a year)
- Briefings for private investors (2-3 times a year)
- Individual interviews and small meetings with investors
- Issuance of IDEC Report, Shareholder Newsletter, and various other media
- Disclosures in accordance with the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) sustainability disclosure standards
- Enhanced disclosure of sustainability information
- Sustainable growth to increase our corporate value and ensure stable returns
- Timely disclosure and communication of appropriate information 
Business partners- CSR self-assessments for suppliers
- Supplier visits
- Issuance of Supplier Newsletters
- Distributor briefings and visits
- Sharing of IDEC Group CSR Procurement Guidelines
- CSR visits and assessments for suppliers and improvement guidance
- Sharing of information with suppliers
- Online briefings for distributors
- Visits to distributors
- Fulfillment of our social responsibility throughout the value chain
- Partnership based on fair trade and trust
Global and local communities- Dialogue with NGOs and NPOs
- Dialogue with local governments
- Involvement in the local community
- CSR activities in each region
- Participation in the Global Coalition for Safety and Health at Work (NPO) and planning and holding of Vision Zero Summit Japan 2022
- Support for Table for Two (NPO) and the council of social welfare
- Dispatching of instructors to local schools to conduct visiting lectures
- Activities to support children from needy families
- Local cleanup activities
- Contribution to resolution of societal issues through business activities and CSR activities
Government agencies / industry groups - Collaboration with international organizations, government agencies, and educational institutions
- Participation in industry groups and initiatives
- Joint research with educational and research institutions
- Presentations at international forums, international academic conferences, technical committee meetings, etc.
- Promotion of activities at various industry groups
- Improvement of our corporate value through constructive dialogue