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Basic approach

The IDEC Group Code of Conduct—our basic action guidelines for conducting our duties—have been published in Japan and overseas. It is positioned under the group philosophy “The IDEC Way”, and the actions that employees should take are consolidated in the three pillars of Workplace, Social, and Business to make it easy to communicate in all countries and regions where we operate. The IDEC Group Code of Conduct in Japanese, English, Chinese, French, Thai, Vietnamese, and Khmer are available for all group company employees in Japan and overseas via internal intranet.
In addition, we have also disclosed explanatory materials explaining the main purpose of each Code’s items and its relationship with “The IDEC Way” for better understanding.

Click here for details on the IDEC Group Code of Conduct


Compliance training and audits

We conduct compliance training for all employees and position-based training for promoted employees on a regular basis, with the aim of helping them to acquire knowledge and fostering compliance awareness with regard to human rights, compliance with competition and subcontracting act (formally, the Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, etc. to Subcontractors), anti-bribery, the IDEC Hotline (whistle-blowing system), and the protection of personal data.
In each training session, we seek to deepen understanding of the IDEC Group Code of Conduct, and continuously conduct case studies of compliance related to our operations.
We conducted harassment and compliance training for employees at our head office and Group companies in Japan in FY2024. As an individual compliance theme, we conducted training on the subcontracting act, to enable employees involved in subcontracting transactions to deepen their understanding of the various obligations and prohibitions that are required in practice. We will continue to provide training and education, and continue to communicate information to further instill compliance awareness.
As part of our internal audits, we also conduct audits to check for compliance violations and appropriately recognize the risks associated with neglect or violations of compliance.

Compliance training in FY2024 (Japan)

Details of trainingNumber of trainees (%)
Compliance training1,356 / 1,356 (100%)
Anti-harassment training (for managers)   167 / 167 (100%)
Anti-harassment training (for non-managers)1,189 / 1,189 (100%)
Training on the subcontracting act 290 / 290 (100%)


Internal Reporting System 

The IDEC Hotline has been established as a contact venue that allows users to select external and internal contact and anonymously or with real names in accordance with the users’ situation. We have established internal reporting and operation rules to protect the confidentiality of consultation and reporting, and to prohibit unfavorable treatment of users. When a report is made, the Hotline Contact established within the Risk Management Committee promptly responds to the report, and works at resolving the problem and preventing recurrence. The report is also promptly communicated to the top management, and regularly reported to the Board of Directors to share risk information. In cases where management may be involved, a system exists to ensure independence and to liaise with an external law firm.
To enable the system to function globally, we have established a Global Hotline which enables overseas Group company employees to report directly to the head office contact.

Number of internal reports (Consolidated)



Anti-Corruption Policy

1. Basic Approach
The IDEC Group has established “The IDEC Way” as a new philosophy with the aim of becoming a truly global company. One of the Core Values that we must share, as stated in “The IDEC Way,” is “Integrity,” which means that we should face everything with sincerity and act with honesty and fairness to continue being a trusted entity.
Recognizing that acts of corruption such as bribery, illegal gratuities, and profiteering in our business activities have an impact on the fair and sustainable development of society, we will work to prevent corruption throughout the Group through the implementation of “The IDEC Way” and the “IDEC Group Code of Conduct,” in light of the call on global companies to take action against corruption.

2. Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations
The IDEC Group complies with anti-corruption laws and regulations that are applicable in the countries and regions where it operates.

3. Prohibited Acts
The IDEC Group prohibits, directly or indirectly, the giving, offering, or exchange of bribes, or the provision of benefits, whether domestic or international, including the following:
 Bribery of or the provision of benefits to public officials and others in similar positions in the country or region where they conduct business.
 Bribery of or the provision of benefits to a private citizen when such acts are prohibited by laws and regulations.
 Demands for illicit bribes or profiteering in business activities.
 Having relationships as well as engaging in business with antisocial forces.
 Other matters prohibited by laws and regulations related to anti-corruption applicable in the country or region where the business is conducted.

4. Proper Accounting
The IDEC Group complies with applicable accounting laws, regulations, and standards, conducts proper accounting under appropriate internal control systems, and conducts as well as maintains transparent accounting reports, controls, and records to confirm and objectively prove that no misconduct has occurred.

5. Education and Enlightenment
The IDEC Group strives to properly educate and enlighten its officers and employees on the prevention of corruption.

6. Responses to Violations
The IDEC Group takes a strict stance against corruption, and if any IDEC Group officer or employee violates this policy or any applicable anti-corruption laws or regulations, we will take action in accordance with our internal rules. In addition, if a business partner commits an act of corruption, a review that includes the cancellation of transactions with the business partner will be conducted.

7. Management and Monitoring System
The IDEC Group strives to operate the IDEC Hotline, which is set up as an internal reporting hotline, in a fair and impartial manner, and will maintain a system that enables the early and appropriate detection and monitoring of corruption and related acts.
In addition, when a report has been received through our hotline, the Risk Management Committee sends the report to the Board of Directors, which reports on risk monitoring activities twice a year through the Sustainability Committee and is supervised by the Board of Directors.

Anti-corruption Initiatives

The IDEC Group has taken the following actions to prohibit acts of corruption, including bribery, and to ensure compliance.

 We have established and disseminated the IDEC Group Code of Conduct to clarify basic guidelines for the conduct of business activities.
 We have established anti-corruption policies to clarify that acts such as bribery are prohibited.
 We have conducted compliance training to deepen employees’ understanding of the IDEC Group Code of Conduct and policies.
 We have established a system to detect the occurrence of prohibited acts, such as bribery, before or as soon as possible through an internal reporting system and risk monitoring activities.

Results of FY2024 (Consolidated)

Bribery-related fines, penalties, or settlements  0 yen
Political contributions  0 yen
Disciplinary dismissals for involvement in corrupt practices  0
Number of serious legal violations        0
Number of harassment reports and consultations  4


Approval as an Authorized Exporter

IDEC Corporation has enacted the Regulations for Legal Compliance pertaining to Authorized Export Affairs and established a logistics management setup aimed at achieving compliance with the Customs Act and related legislation. As a result, we obtained approval by Osaka Customs as an "Authorized Exporter" based on the Authorized Exporters' Program on April 27, 2009 and received the letter of notification of authorization on May 12, 2009.
Looking forward, in addition to physical distribution management as an Authorized Exporter, we will seek to further strengthen compliance and improve the quality of security trade control in tandem with our overseas Group companies. Through these actions, we will enhance the credibility of the IDEC Group in international transactions.