Safety Components

In Human Machine Interface (HMI) environment, ensuring the safety of operators and machines is given the top priority. Door interlock switches, emergency stop switches, light curtains, laser scanner and other safe inputs or safe sensing products are used for detection, and the safety controller can monitor multiple devices, process the signals and provide the logic to assure that a safe machine environment is established per the requirements of the machine designer.
Safeguarding people and equipment with a properly designed system that monitors all of your safety devices is a top priority. IDEC offers straightforward, easy to use and highly efficient safety control relay modules in a variety of styles to help meet this need. HR1S safety relays are compact units that monitor safety input devices, allowing machine operation only when all safety controls are working correctly and no hazardous conditions are detected. Supported devices include E-stops, interlock switches, and noncontact safety switches, with light curtains covered on certain models. The HR2S series safety relays provide users with increased functionality and flexibility when designing systems to meet safety requirements.
Keeping your workers and equipment out of harm’s way is top priority when it comes to both productivity and peace of mind. That’s why IDEC offers high performance safety controllers to orchestrate multiple safety devices. SafetyOne safety controllers feature six dual-channel safety inputs and do not require any programming or complicated wiring. With 24 preprogrammed safety logic circuits in a compact housing, SafetyOne controllers allow you to build a safety circuit by simply sliding a DIP switch.